#jnicholsfitness, #weightloss #diet #exercise #nutrition #foodjournal, 2018, Aerobic Exercise, Body Weight Exercise, Cardio, Circuit Training, coach, Diet and Nutrition, Exercise, Fitness, flexibility, Free Weights, General Health, goals, Health, health and wellness, health coach, injury prevention, mobility, motivation, Muscle, personal training, Rest and Recovery, stretching, Uncategorized, wellness

Active Recovery: Healing on the Go

Exercise; it’s great for us but also puts a severe amount of strain on the body. Prolonged periods of exercise can cause chronic overuse injuries such as strains, tendonitis, bursitis, and stress fractures. Over time these injuries can lead to a decrease in performance or, even worse, time missed from the gym. One way to… Continue reading Active Recovery: Healing on the Go

#findyourfit, #jnicholsfitness, #mindbodysoul, #weightloss #diet #exercise #nutrition #foodjournal, 2018, Body Weight Exercise, Circuit Training, Cross Training, Diet and Nutrition, Dumbbells, Exercise, exercise and illness, Fitness, flow, Free Weights, General Health, goals, Health, health and wellness, health coach, healthy-living, Home Exercise, injury prevention, mind body soul, mind body spirit, mobility, Muscle, muscle imbalances, personal training, strength, Uncategorized, wellness, yoga


If you have trained long enough, at some point you have said some variation of the following statement: “why is my left arm stronger than my right arm; I am right handed?”  There is an assumption that the dominant side is the stronger side, but this is not always the case. In fact, it’s quite… Continue reading STRENGTH IMBALANCES AND HOW TO FIX THEM: Unilateral Training

barefoot, barefoot training, coach, Exercise, Fitness, Free Weights, General Health, Gyms, Health, health and wellness, injury prevention, mind body soul, mind body spirit, Muscle, Outdoor Exercise, personal training, Running, strength, stretching, Uncategorized, weight lifting, wellness

Barefoot Training: WTFoot?!

***DISCLAIMER: Barefoot training can be dangerous if training with heavy weights lifted from the ground or with potential hazards such as glass or other objects in grass or outdoor area. Only perform barefoot training under the guidance of a trained professional, but as always pay attention to what you are doing. Also, if working out… Continue reading Barefoot Training: WTFoot?!

#weightloss #diet #exercise #nutrition #foodjournal, 2018, Aerobic Exercise, Anaerobic Exercise, Body Weight Exercise, Calories, Cardio, Circuit Training, coach, Cross Training, Diet and Nutrition, endurance, Exercise, Fitness, Free Weights, General Health, goals, Gyms, Health, health and wellness, healthy-living, High Intensity, Interval Training, lactate threshold, Muscle, personal training, strength, Uncategorized, weight lifting

Training for Strength or Endurance: Why Not Both At Once?

*** (I am going to try to keep this as unscientific as possible, layman terms only) Body adaptations to fitness training (FT) happen in a wide variety of ways. Typically, when training, one is looking to either increase endurance through cardiovascular training or strength through any variety of weighted exercises. In training this way, the… Continue reading Training for Strength or Endurance: Why Not Both At Once?

#jnicholsfitness, #weightloss #diet #exercise #nutrition #foodjournal, Circuit Training, coach, Diet and Nutrition, Dumbbells, Exercise, Fitness, flexibility, Free Weights, General Health, goals, Health, health and wellness, injury prevention, Interval Training, Machines, mobility, Muscle, muscle imbalances, Muslce, personal training, strength, Uncategorized, weight lifting, yoga

Strength Imbalances and How to Fix Them: Unilateral Training

If you have trained long enough, at some point you have said some variation of the following statement: “why is my left arm stronger than my right arm; I am right handed?”  There is an assumption that the dominant side is the stronger side, but this is not always the case. In fact, it’s quite… Continue reading Strength Imbalances and How to Fix Them: Unilateral Training

balance, Body Weight Exercise, Cross Training, Diet and Nutrition, Exercise, Fitness, flexibility, Free Weights, General Health, Health, injury prevention, Machines, mobility, Muscle, muscle imbalances, sitting, Uncategorized

Finding Balance

At the base of any muscle imbalance is a tight/strong muscle group opposing a loose/weak muscle group which can be caused by a variety of factors; both genetic and environmental. Muscle imbalances lead to injuries and overall improper body movement patterns. Imbalanced muscles can pull ligaments, and bones out of alignment which can create joint… Continue reading Finding Balance

Body Weight Exercise, Cross Training, Dumbbells, Exercise, Free Weights, General Health, Gyms, Home Exercise, Machines, Outdoor Exercise

Traditonal or Progression: Which is better?

Traditionally, most people have chosen gyms as their preferred exercise environment. It was expected, it seemed, that the only way to get a good workout was to join a gym and plug away on the treadmill, elliptical, or various machines. Gyms do offer a large variety of machines and dumbbells, but most of their equipment… Continue reading Traditonal or Progression: Which is better?